viernes, 8 de abril de 2011 | By: Nydia Navarro & MariaJose Zuniga

The Battle of York Town

During the year of 1781, Lord Cornwallis was frustrated because even though he was winning most of the battles in the southern colonies he still did not win the colonies of the south. One day Lord Cornwallis decided to march up to York town, Virginia. In york town he was going to wait for weapons, and more men to come from the city of new york to come down through the York River. Meanwhile all this was planned, George Washington was planning to trap Lord Cronwallis men in york town and make him surrendor, for this he count with a French fleet that would block the ports. When Cornwallis got to York town he was trapped by a French troop that would wait for the Continental Army and for the French fleet to have the perfect timing and block the ports. Affortunetly they had a perfect timing. So ports were blocked and troops were trapped, there was really no battle just fights. Cornwallis saw it impossible to leave the city so in November of 1781 he decided to surrender and this was when the war was finally over. 

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