viernes, 28 de enero de 2011 | By: Nydia Navarro & MariaJose Zuniga

The French and Indian War

The French and Indian war was when Indians and French allied against the Brits. In Europe is called The Seven Year War. George Washington commanded the British troops. It was fought over the Ohio River Valley. During the first years Britain suffered losses, this was between 1756-1757. The French destroyed forts between Lake Ontorio and Lake George. The Indian allies raided the frontier of Pennsylvania and Virginia. In 1758-1759 the war shifted in favor of the British. They blocked ships that brought food and provisions to the French. This way British were allowed to capture major fort in the entrance of the Saint Lawrence River. Brits captured Quebec in 1759 and Montreal in 1760 . Forcing the General Governer of France to surrender the rest of Canada including the forts around the Great Lakes and the little part of Florida. The war continued in many parts of the world and in 1763 the Treaty of Paris was signed, with a trufently winning in favor of the Brits who kept Canada Great Lakes and Florida. The Missisippi River became the boundary between the Brits the Spanish and The French.
jueves, 27 de enero de 2011 | By: Nydia Navarro & MariaJose Zuniga

Stamp Act & Quartering Act

Stamp Act
On march 1765 the stamp act was passed by parliament  George Grenville  this was created  to colect taxes of the colonist this was called the stamp act. The bill was passed on February 17, approved by the Lords on March 8th. this require to pay tax in all printing materials like newspaper,book,court documents, contracts land deeds and the books haves differents seals .The colonists had no such representation in Parliament the Stamp Act was unconstitutional. with this act, the colonists were getting anger .The purpose of the collected funds was to protect the American frontier. The Taxetion  ended  on March 1766 when British government repealed the Stamp Act.

Quartering Act.
In early 1765 parliament had another unpopular law called the quartering act this las require colonist to feed and give a place were to live to the british. By this act tension begging between the british and the colonist. the colonist were anger by having they homes open.
some colonist complain, but others believe that the parliament had the right to make the laws.