jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
Nydia Navarro & MariaJose Zuniga
The Continental Army or the Amercan Colonial Army had no marked socialrank but it was a mixture between common laborers, skilled workers and property owners, none of them were trying to escape a political or social problem but were all fighting and working to have a better future and being a Independent Country. Waged for serving the militia (as they were commonly called) were not payed until death or unil the soldier had served the time he could. In case of death the money or wage given passed on to his family. In the beggining the support for supply was given by England, but during the revolutionary war their only support was from wealthy people, that supported the cause but couldn't go and fight such as John Hancock , and other countries who wanted to defeat England´s Army such as France and Spain. The few weapons they had were hunting muskets which they owned personally, in many cases soldiers didn't have uniforms or shoes to wear. They had only a few uniforms and fewer replacements, most soldiers, well the ones that could payed their own uniforms and supplies. The Colonial militia learned methods from the british but used the methods Native Americans used, suhc as hiding in rocks, trees and bushes which made them hard to be seen y the British. The colonial stragedy was shoot, run ,hide, shood and sneak around.Colonial Army won the support of France and Spain after the war of Saratoga.E The militia soldiers were not well trained or well dressed but they had the great advantage of George Washington as their leader, and the advantage that they weere fighting because they wanted to be free and independent, and for the most precios thing to them, their homeland. Even though the army passed through hard times, harsh winters, and lost many battles the Became heroes not of a country or nation but of the world by giving the example of fighting for their own INDEPENDENCE.
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