The Proclamation was declared in October 7 1763, by King George III following Great Britain acquisition after the end of the French and Indian War. In the fall of 1763, the proclamation prohibited the North American colonists from establishing or maintaining settlements west of an imaginary line running down the Appalachian Mountains. The proclamation closed off the frontier to colonial expansion. The King and his council presented the proclamation as a measure to calm the fears of the Indians, who felt that the colonists would drive them from their lands as they expanded west. The proclamation provided that all lands west. This excluded the rich Ohio Valley and all territory from the Ohio to the Mississippi rivers from settlement. Proclamation have constitutional application to all of Canada.In the United States, the Royal Proclamation of 1763 ended with the American Revolutionary War because Great Britain ceded the land in question to the United States in the Treaty of Paris 1783.
The Continental Army

The British Army
The British Army, was the most powerful army in their time. The ones who joined the army were low laborers, beggers and even thiefs trying to escape going to prison, in times of war the salary was alot better so many men would join, leave their family to get well payed. British Army was characterized by their traditional way of fighting and their beautiful and elegant un uniforms. They used to fight by standing in 3 rows, the first row would kneel down with their Brown Bess (the name given to the weapon they used that was a lintlock musket with a long barrel for shooting) in their arm. The second and third row were standign with their brown bess on their head and the shooted in order. They were not likely to shoot unless they were told to and it was necessary.
Their elegant unidorms consisted of a bright red coat with shiny buttons which gave them the name of "Red Coats". A ruffled shirt and tight leggings, with high black boots and a tall black hat. This uniform made all soldiers a visible target, but their training and bravery made them the most powerful army of the time.
Battle of Trenton
The Battle Of trenton was on December 26,1776 during the Amercian revolutionary War. It was Americans against Hessians and British Troops.The size of the armies were2,400 American troops with 18 guns. 1,400 Hessians with 6 light guns. Both sides were armed with muskets and guns.On the evening Washington with 2,500 soldiers crossed the Delaware River in a snow storm. The river was cover with ice. They caught the British soldiers sleeping, killing over one hundred men and taking another thousand prisoners.Washington had hoped to strike under the cover of darkness, but the difficulties encountered and they attack until about 8 a.m. on the 26th. Washington’s force did not reach the east bank until around 3am. His soldiers were badly clothed and many did not have shoes.The Hessian commander was Coronel Rahl.
The Hessians attempted to form in the town but were under fire . The Americans occupied the houses and shot down the German gunners and foot soldiers during which Colonel Rahl was fatally wounded.Rahl troops went to an orchard in the South East of the town where they surrendered.The Americans suffered 4 wounded casualties and two American soldiers froze to death. The Hessians suffered 20 killed and around 100 wounded. 1,000 were captured.
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About Us

- Nydia Navarro & MariaJose Zuniga
- We are 2 teenage girls that created a blog during our 3 quarter at School.. Our teacher Ms. Marlene Touche asked our class to work in pairs and blog what we learn and liked while talking about the United States Revolution. To Explain our personalities: Nydia is 15 she love music and comunications.. MariaJose is 15 she loves pink and shes a great friend